The beauty Book : Wavy Hair


What are the characteristics?

Wavy hair is often thick and coarse and theres normally loads of it to play with. It also suits both long and short styles easily. The trouble is people with wavy hair would rather make it straight or really curly. But why waste the time when you have fantastic hair yourself?

How to care for it

Wavy hair can handle frequent washing but responds best to being left for two days between shampoos. When you need shampoo its unlikely that you need any thickening shampoos, but that doesn’t mean you should grab any bottle off the shelf! Beacause wavy hair is thick it can easily be weighed down, so using a volumizing shampoo would help maximize the life in it. Wash your hair and put in light condtionar , and rinse. Then you need to dry it which is where you can create truly wonderful waves. Start by towel drying the hair lightly by patting it, then apply some anti friz or styling cream. Divide the hair into sections about 1 inch across. Using your fingers twist these into ropes and fasten them with a pin. Leave it to dry naturally. When it is dry unravel and rake it with your fingers.

Tips for wavy hair

  • Before brushing spray your brush with hairspray to prevent static
  • Go for regular trims even if you have long hair. Split ends will create a fuzzball at the ends of your hair and destroy your look
  • Wavy hair won’t reflect light like straight hair does, so it can often look dull. Make sure you keep it moisturized!

Make your hair treatment!

  • 1/2 ripe banana
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 heaped tsp plain youghurt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

Mash these things in a large bowl. Then apply it to your hair focusing on the ends and up to where the waves begin. This will moisturize these areas. Wrap your hair in a towel and sit with this for about 20 mins then rinse it off!



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