Petzone Kuwait


Petzone is a pet company/store that provides products like shampoos and toys, services like grooming your pet and advice from a very good vet. Also they sell their own animals like cats,dogs,birds,rabbits and more, and they have a board which shows animals to adopt. I went for a visit today to get my cat some toys for his birthday party (yes i’m throwing him one) and also I knew that he was bored with the usual fancy feast. In Petzone there are so many different varieties of pet food and organic pet food for your animal to enjoy. Also they have a great grooming service where they will bathe,clean, cut claws for your pet and you can watch them bathe your pet, which is good for people like me because I don’t trust anyone with my cat, so I can have watch them bathe him. Also they have very healthy pets who are imported from other countries and are usually purebreds. It is a must for animal lovers who want to spoil their pets or to get very healthy beautiful pets as well. Or if you just want to go ask for advice or get your pet groomed.

This is a picture of the grooming room so you know what I mean






One world: A sad truth


There are a lot of things that sometimes get on my nerves I must admit, but one thing that has always seemed to bother me to no end , was racism. And when I say racism I don’t just mean racism towards color, but also towards religion or nationality. Any kind of racism that comes to your mind, that’s what I mean. It kills me to no end to see that our human race has turned so hateful towards each other because of something a few or even just one person may have done.  Nowadays there are so many people that hate Muslims due to what happened in 9/11 and Muslims who hate jews due to what is happening in Palestine, they judge people based on what they see or what they think they see. It is so sad that we forget that we are human before we are anything else. SOME Arabs stereotype Americans to be dumb or too free and that they have no morals at all, they are just basing their theory on something they may have seen on TV or heard about from someone else they never actually stopped and tried to get to know a few different Americans who may have even more morals than they do. Now I’m not saying that SOME American’s don’t also point fingers at the arabs, they think that we are terrorists and that our women have no rights and that all we do is kiss the feet of our men and that we are all dressed in black and we spend all our days thinking badly about others and being mean to people and having all kinds of slaves, not knowing that we have very independent and strong women all over the middle east and NO SLAVES (at least in my country), they do not even try to get to know  a few of us and to talk to one of us like we were normal human beings trying to live our lives just like they are. Also this hatred towards the jews, now anytime SOME arabs see something they don’t like they blame it on the jews and say it’s their fault our it’s their mistake, I understand that what is going on in Palestine is horrible I know a few people who have been through this tragedy but that still does not mean that ALL jews are sitting back laughing at whats going on they probably feel like how we feel when we see people making muslims look like terrorists. It’s so sad that sometimes we forget that not just because ONE person may have done something harmful that their entire nation is horrible! In our country SOME people sometimes will look down to Indians because they work for us, forgetting that they are working their butts off everyday of their lives trying to make a living for their families which they LOVE and for children they want to make proud.I have met a lot of Indians that were very very very smart and adorable people but we forget that other people are humans too. And likewise when Indians or other people will look at the Kuwaitis like they are stuck up arrogant people who abuse the rights of Indians, forgetting that we are giving them a place to live and money to help them survive, and there are many kuwaitis who treat their workers with a lot of respect and care. There are plenty bad Muslims and bad jews and bad Christians and bad people but its not their religion or their nationality that makes them who they are , it’s just what gives them choices to decide what and who they want to be. Our prophet and Jesus and Moses (pbut) all preached about loving one another no matter what they were, who are we to change their words and to decide who our religion hates and who it loves? You know if a stranger were to see another stranger suffer , more than likely they would go and try to save them without knowing where they were from or what they were, it’s in our human instinct to care for one another. We are all mothers and daughters and fathers and sisters and brothers we have sad days and happy days and hard days. We all need the same physical health to be able to live in this world, it’s so sad that instead of looking at what someone’s soul is we tend to judge them depending on what they can’t change about themselves. Even if we may not believe in what the other person believe, it is our duty to respect one another, how do we expect to get anywhere in life if we don’t stop looking past these things. There is so much more than what we choose to see. Since I’m half american and half kuwaiti , I had the prevlege of seeing two very amazing and different cultures each which had their flaws and their beauty, but what they had in common was love,respect,care and hope for a better life from everyone. Even though there may be a few bad people we meet along the way it does not mean that they are all horrible. Please stop this racism and haterd everyone is having against eachother! Remember that you are human first before anything, and that WE ARE ALL going through this life and these changes togther we all experience love and anger and sadness, we all came in this world one day and we will all leave it someday so please try to share the love with everyone, same way you don’t want to be judged or punished for a mistake you didn’t do , neither does anyone else.