How to get a good nights sleep


Sleep is one of the things that you literally cannot live without. It is something that I personally LOVE! That might sound really lazy, but sleep is what gives you energy in order for you to have any energy you need to have rest as well, and you need to be able to really REST not just put your head on your pillow and toss all night long! I mean deep sleep where you wake up refreshed and very happy.Your life will be much better and happier once you can sleep calmly I’m going to share with you a few ways that help you get a good nights sleep

  1. Anxiety, stress and depression can all cause insomnia. Try finding ways to forget about your problems before going to sleep at night, try setting a specific time in your day where you sit and worry about your problems, DON’T ever keep that time for before you go to sleep!
  2. Never go to bed hungry, and never go to bed on a overly full stomach either
  3. Try drinking Chamomile tea they are great herbal teas to help you sleep. Stir it with a little honey if you want
  4. Exercise , or stretch a bit before actually going to bed, do not do anything too intense but getting your body a little bit tired will definitely not allow you time to waste in bed and you’ll get straight to sleeping
  5. Don’t over work your mind, instead of watching Tv , try listing to calming music or reading a book , do something calm that won’t make you think too much
  6. Relaxation therapies such as a hot bath(I’ll help with this one in another post) will help soothe you before you sleep

*Do not drink caffeine before going to bed as that will make you hyper and not sleepy !

Hope you all get a good nights sleep