Top 10 quotes of the week


Sorry for not posting lately , I’ve just been busy, I’ll make it up though

1-Don’t live down to other people’s expectations of you, live up to your own

2-The biggest step is the one you take to go outside your front door every day.

3-Its better to know some of the questions than all of the answers

4-Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet

5-There’s no greater fraud than a promise not kept

6-When people trust you they place their confidence in you . And thats a great compliment

7-It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

8-To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. to not dare is to lose one’s self

9-Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement

10-Better keep yourself clean and bright , you are the window through which you see the world.

Top 10 quotes of the week


1-Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish yourself to be

2-Being loved by many people is not as important as being in love with one person

3-Don’t wait for the last judgement, it happens everyday

4-Growing up is something you choose to do , not have to do

5-Focusing on the present moment is a powerful way of banishing misery: for without a sense of the future, we crave nothing . And without a sense of the past , we regret nothing

6-Rule the clock, do not be ruled by it

7-To love is to know, and to know is to love

8-We are all gardeners tending the seeds of days in the garden of eternity

9-When you are ashamed of yourself, learn from what you have done, and then leave it behind you, as you would a load that has become too heavy to carry

10-Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win


My “boost your energy” plan for each day


Since I am working on the happiness project’s boost your energy, I have to have an exercise plan for each day. I thought I’d share with you my exercise plan since there are some amazing people on the internet who know so much about exercise some who are following me and I’m sure they would give me their opinion about my plan and please feel free to. Anyways, since I have asthma I try to be a little bit easier on myself but not too much I like to push myself when it comes to my health and well being. So my plan is

Saturday: Pilates: Which as I said before was good for both my mind and body, which is kind of like a more intense yoga that doesn’t concentrate that much on the “soul” part. But I need this to be more flexible and stronger as well

Sunday:Yoga: One of my favorite things in the world! Since I have a very bad temper and such yoga helps me to calm down a lot so I need to get plenty of it as well!

Monday:Dance:Dance is one of the funnest things to do and I find it so exciting to do ! Especially zumba because it’s like dance and a workout at the same time . But there are so many different types of dancing, so I have to try different ones every week.

Tuesday: VS workout: Since I am such a big fan of victoria’s secret I was bound to try their workout, and I must say I did love it , it is one of the very few workouts where I actually can feel my muscles move and stretch. I definitely recommend them for anyone who really wants an intense workout  .

Wednesday: Reshape body/Gym: A few months ago I found this book called Reshape your body it’s a book which basically helps you to fix certain areas in your body and to be able to focus on a few certain muscles, lately I’ve been reading it and working on it , and it also is an intense workout which is also kind of fun to do . Also I go to the gym whenever I get the chance (flex gym) where they have some great equipment and some really fun classes like aerobics ,zumba ,pilates,yoga and a lot of other classes.

Thursday: Meditation . While meditation is not very stressful and stereotyped as being very easy, it actually is hard. Since you have to be able to let like everything your thinking about out of your brain and just focus on a candle for example or music or something in front of you. While meditation might not be classified as exercise , I still believe that it cures my body and in some way boosts my energy

Friday: OFF My fridays are always busy since its my family’s gathering day. And I like to be able to enjoy my exercise rather than to just do it so I can stay on my routine. So I like to give myself a day off.