Rose cream cleanser and face mask


Now I don’t know about you guys , but I love natural things and not a big fan of chemical things. Especially since they play a lot with your skin and sometimes can cause temporary or long term damage. So every once in a while I’ll do a natural remedy series that will give you the chance to take care of yourself naturally!

Rose cream cleanser and face mask

A simple cleanser with both soothing and cooling properties can be easily made from rosewater and cream. The addition of honey and oatmeal makes it nourishing and exfoliating if you would like. This is suitable for dry skin but gentle enough for sensitive skin.


For the cleanser

105ml/7tbsp triple distilled rose water

45ml/3 tbsp double heavy cream

For the mask

2 tbsp pure honey

1 tsp rose water

3 tbsp heavy cream

2 tbsp fine ground oatmeal

  1. To make the cleanser stir the rosewater and the double cream until mixture is well blended . Apply to the face on cotton balls
  2. To make the face mask gently warm the honey then mix with rosewater and cream add oatmeal stir well and leave for 10 mins
  3. Smooth over the face and neck and leave for 10 mins before washing.
  4. To use as a scrub smooth it over the skin and then massage gently before washing off.

Its great to keep your skin looking healthy and young! Goodluck people


Home Doctor:How to deal with the common cold


Oh God how I hate colds, they just put you down and get you all tired and lazy. I have just caught a cold recently and it has been irritating me to death! So I thought I’d share with you some of the things I did for myself, and learned through research about curing and dealing with one! Hope it helps!

Colds are common infections of the nose and throat that can be caused by more than 200 different highly contagious viruses . You are likely to pick up at least one or two a year (in my case one or two a month!) usually from the coughs and sneezes of infected people.

Typical Symptoms: Blocked or runny nose,sneezing,reduced sense of taste or smell, sore throat,dry cough,headache and mild fever. Colds are more serious in babies and elders

What you can do for yourself

  • Drink at least 7 glasses of warm liquids a day such as soups or fruit tea. For a sore throat make a warm honey and lemon drink
  • Take a pain killer or a cold remedy to relieve discomfort
  • Try a steam inhalation to clear a stuffy nose, it really works for me. Just boil some warm water and put a towel over your head then stand over the bowl of water
  • antihistamines may help to relieve a runny nose and help with sneezing
  • Stay in bed for a while to relax your body, but NOT for too long or your body will weaken even more
  • Stay away from direct contact with the air conditioner , it always makes me feel 10 times worse!

Natural Remedies

  • Zinc lozenges: Taken early in a cold may help to shorten illness . It might also cause a bad taste or nausea

See doctor if:

  • Your cold lasts more than 10 days
  • You develop severe sore throat or high fever
  • You have earache or face pain and/or yellow or green discharge

Researched online and from “Home Doctor by Dr Michael Peters”