Rose cream cleanser and face mask


Now I don’t know about you guys , but I love natural things and not a big fan of chemical things. Especially since they play a lot with your skin and sometimes can cause temporary or long term damage. So every once in a while I’ll do a natural remedy series that will give you the chance to take care of yourself naturally!

Rose cream cleanser and face mask

A simple cleanser with both soothing and cooling properties can be easily made from rosewater and cream. The addition of honey and oatmeal makes it nourishing and exfoliating if you would like. This is suitable for dry skin but gentle enough for sensitive skin.


For the cleanser

105ml/7tbsp triple distilled rose water

45ml/3 tbsp double heavy cream

For the mask

2 tbsp pure honey

1 tsp rose water

3 tbsp heavy cream

2 tbsp fine ground oatmeal

  1. To make the cleanser stir the rosewater and the double cream until mixture is well blended . Apply to the face on cotton balls
  2. To make the face mask gently warm the honey then mix with rosewater and cream add oatmeal stir well and leave for 10 mins
  3. Smooth over the face and neck and leave for 10 mins before washing.
  4. To use as a scrub smooth it over the skin and then massage gently before washing off.

Its great to keep your skin looking healthy and young! Goodluck people


Healthy Kitty: Cat Flu


Oh isnt it just heartbreaking to see your cat going through a flu, so tiny so innocent and he’s dealing with the sniffles. Well first off cat flu is usually caused by viruses that attack the respiratory system. It may be followed by infection of the lungs and pneumonia. The viruses are very contagious (cat to cat) by sneezing, coughing and are the main reason with problems in the respiratory system. Therefore it is highly recommended that you give your cat vaccinations preventing it from getting the flu. In kitten they can easily die from it or end up permanently damaged.


  • Cat flu is a general term used to describe feline upper respiratory infections. The two most significent viruses in cases of cat flu are  FVR (feline viral rhinotracheitis) FCV (Feline calici virus) Both which are contagious
  • Other causes could be from female herpes


  • Sneezing and runny eyes
  • Nasal discharge
  • Increase in temperature
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Breathing may become diffucult

Your vet can give you either vaccinations or antibiotics to reduce chances of secondary bacterial infection

Home Treatments

A little almond oil on a cotton ball two or three times a day can relieve discomfort in the nasal area

Calendula tincture two drops in 25 mL of olive oil

Hope your kitties feel better 🙂



Ways to reduce stress


Stress is something we all go through, and it tends to increase as we grow older. Stress is bad for the skin for your health and for your soul. Personally when I’m under stress I tend to not think well and might take out all my anger on others, which is something I end up regretting in the end. But lately I have been reducing it in different ways so I thought I’d share them with you

Ways to reduce stress:

  • Take time out from work/study and the pressures of daily life for at least once a week, try to forget about everything for at least a day and just take care of yourself
  • Share problems with a loved one
  • Face up to your problems and do something to fix them
  • Plan a holiday or an outing so that you have things to look forward to, exciting things
  • Eat regular healthy meals
  • Do exercise regularly
  • Put on some calming music and sit back with a good book
  • Watch a comedy film or series that will make you laugh
  • Treat yourself to a massage facial or manicure/pedicures
  • Learn or practice yoga/meditation/pilates that relax your mind

Small Activities to do during your day

  • Clean your drawers or cupboards. You feel better when your home is well organized
  • Clear  your closet of anything that is too small or you don’t wear anymore
  • Make phone calls to people you haven’t talked to in a while
  • Go through old magazines to find recipes to make a list of recipes you want to try
  • Arrange old photographs in an album or a file (on your computer) and go down memory lane
  • Start to learn a language with a book tape Cd or dvd. (I’m still trying to learn turkish from a book, it really does take your mind)
  • Buy a crossword puzzle or try to do brainteasers to keep your mind occupied
  • Take up a new hobby such as painting or knitting, I’m working on cooking which is a very calming thing to do and yummy
  • Start a diary/address book
  • Plant up containers and make a little garden for you at home (nature is very relaxing)
  • Make a list of things you want to do in your life or improve about yourself
  • Watch a good film or start a new series (but not a depressing one:p)

Good luck and I hope you all have stress free lives 🙂


The beauty book: Sensitive skin


How to care for sensitive skin

First you want to get rid of any products that you do not need. Exposing your skin to too many different chemicals can harm you. All you really need is a cleanser, a moisturizer with spf and depending on your age an eye cream.  Second make sure you avoid products containing ingredients that will cause sensitivity like fragrances, colors and preservatives although it really depends on you, you could be sensitive to anything. Third treat your skin with care. Make sure you cleanse gently to remove makeup at the end of the day. Use very light creamy cleansers or facial wipes that will minimize your contact with the chemicals. Moisturizing is very important because the drier your skin is the more it will be sensitive.

Calming facial for sensitive skin

1-Soak four camomile teabags in hot water once the water has cooled splash your face with this 20 times

2-While your skin is still damp stroke or tap skin in a downward motion . This helps drain away the fluids

3-Apply a hydrating face mask (i’ll give you an example) Relax for five to ten mins then wash off the mask with tepid water.

Tips for sensitive skin:

  • Use products with fewer than 10 ingredients lowering the risk of you coming across something your allergic to  
  • Wear sunscreen!!
  • Change your prodcuts. The skin tends to become sensitized to things it encounters too often.
  • Always read labels to see what is in your prodcuts

Make your face mask

Blend and mix these together well! and leave it on the skin for 10 mins then rinse it off 🙂

  • 1 cup of natural yoghurt
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal!


My “boost your energy” plan for each day


Since I am working on the happiness project’s boost your energy, I have to have an exercise plan for each day. I thought I’d share with you my exercise plan since there are some amazing people on the internet who know so much about exercise some who are following me and I’m sure they would give me their opinion about my plan and please feel free to. Anyways, since I have asthma I try to be a little bit easier on myself but not too much I like to push myself when it comes to my health and well being. So my plan is

Saturday: Pilates: Which as I said before was good for both my mind and body, which is kind of like a more intense yoga that doesn’t concentrate that much on the “soul” part. But I need this to be more flexible and stronger as well

Sunday:Yoga: One of my favorite things in the world! Since I have a very bad temper and such yoga helps me to calm down a lot so I need to get plenty of it as well!

Monday:Dance:Dance is one of the funnest things to do and I find it so exciting to do ! Especially zumba because it’s like dance and a workout at the same time . But there are so many different types of dancing, so I have to try different ones every week.

Tuesday: VS workout: Since I am such a big fan of victoria’s secret I was bound to try their workout, and I must say I did love it , it is one of the very few workouts where I actually can feel my muscles move and stretch. I definitely recommend them for anyone who really wants an intense workout  .

Wednesday: Reshape body/Gym: A few months ago I found this book called Reshape your body it’s a book which basically helps you to fix certain areas in your body and to be able to focus on a few certain muscles, lately I’ve been reading it and working on it , and it also is an intense workout which is also kind of fun to do . Also I go to the gym whenever I get the chance (flex gym) where they have some great equipment and some really fun classes like aerobics ,zumba ,pilates,yoga and a lot of other classes.

Thursday: Meditation . While meditation is not very stressful and stereotyped as being very easy, it actually is hard. Since you have to be able to let like everything your thinking about out of your brain and just focus on a candle for example or music or something in front of you. While meditation might not be classified as exercise , I still believe that it cures my body and in some way boosts my energy

Friday: OFF My fridays are always busy since its my family’s gathering day. And I like to be able to enjoy my exercise rather than to just do it so I can stay on my routine. So I like to give myself a day off.

The beauty book: Eat your way to better skin


What you put inside your body is as important as what you put on the outside when it comes to skin (and everything else) Here’s what  you need

Vitamin A

Not only is it a powerful antioxident but Vitamin A also strengthens skin cells . If you are lacking in it your skin may be drier and flakier than normal. You can get your daily dose from fruits and veggies that are high in an ingredient called beta carotene which your body turns into vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Collagen is one of the most important substance in the structure of the skin. Its what keeps it firm and well toned.To feed collagen you need vitamin C . Vitamin c can be found in many fruits and veggies, although most people think it’s find mostly in oranges, Kiwi’s are also very rich in vitamin C. Eat four or five down in a day and you’ll be dramatically boosting your skin health (and your health as well)


Low iron levels in the body lead to reduced oxygen in the blood and this can be the cause of pale skin and dark circles under your eyes. In order to get more iron eat lean red meat and plenty of dark green leafy veggies (personally i love spinach:p)


Zinc is a mineral that is vital for healing the skin and reducing acne! You can find zinc in shellfish hard crumbly cheeses nuts and seeds.

Essential fatty acids:

Dry skin often occurs when women start to go on low fat diets and lack essential fat! So eat oily fish,nuts,and seeds which also contain vitamin E!


Water keeps the skin cells plump and every process in the skin needs water to start it. Without enough water  in your skin you will never have a healthy glow! Try to at least drink 8 glasses a day , (I can drink like 4 😦 ) but you should try to reach at least 8 a day to stay healthy and maintain perfect skin!

What you DONT need:

  • Salty foods:These dehydrate the skin and have a lot of iodine in them which trigger acne!
  • Caffeine: Every cup of coffee needs 3 cups of water to process it through the system . Caffeine increases the level of stress hormones ! Which aren’t really good for anything!
  • Hydrogenated fats: Found in processed foods and margarines they are believed to start free radicals in the skin

The beauty book: Dry skin


How to care for dry skin

To care effectively for dry skin means ensuring the products that you use contain no drying ingredients like alcohol or soap. Instead they should contain ingredients that put something back to your skin.Moisturize it! Choose creamy or milky cleansers that will add moisture. Also you will need to exfoliate! Exfoliation clears away all the dry and dead skin you have on your body . One of the best smelling scrubs I use but its a body scrub is , Spa indulgence’s Oriental Opulence Body Glow it smells like HEAVEN! And it really has left my skin feeling soft.Also in winter where your dry skin gets even dryer, try to keep your skin covered and apply moisturizer,lip balm and hand cream before and after you go out.

Hydrating facial for dry skin:

1-Exfoliate. Using your gentle facial scrub, rub the skin in circular motion

2-Cleanse the skin with a milky cleanser. Doing this after exfoliating will help remove any deep grime rather than just polishing the dead skin cells on the surface

3-Splash your skin . Toners are a no no on dry skin because they will dehydrate it. Instead refresh your skin with a facial mist or a splash of just cool water

4-Then apply a hydrating mask (I’ll give you an example in a bit) Leave it on for 10-15 mins then rinse it off an leave your face damp

5-Apply your moisturizer. Best way to do this is by using your finger to pat onto your face

Tips for dry skin:

  • Only cleanse your skin once at the end of the day. It will remove the dirt but will prevent it from drying.
  • Exfoliation is essential for dry skin.
  • Never expose your skin to really hot water it will dry out
  • Never dry your skin completely just pat your towel lightly onto your face leaving it a bit damp
  • Eat oily fishes more regularly

Make your face mask

Mash together the following things!

  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cup honey

Apply to your face and leave it on for five mins before removing with tepid water.

Why do yoga?


Yoga has many benefits , I found that it has made me more relaxed I am not an expert and I have not been doing it for long at all. But in the past few months I have started doing it and it has helped me in many ways!


I was never really the type of person that could balance myself really that well, my balance was kinda horrible, but after I started doing yoga my balance has improved a lot I can stand on one feet a lot longer than I could before.


Routine in yoga has helped me build strength , because you have to shift your body weight sometimes on a certain place it makes you build muscles (but not the manly muscles) and gives you a lot of strength as well.


Yoga is a very graceful exercise to do and I love watching graceful acts they are so beautiful and mesmerizing. The way you shift from one pose to the next in a graceful way makes you seem so calm and relaxing it is very lovely to watch and do.


Without a doubt yoga improves muscle flexibility because you have to move in such weird ways , the more you practice it the more flexible you will become.

5-Relaxition :

Yoga helps your body in a great way, but its nothing compared to the way it helps your soul. It helps you to calm down for a while and just stop your life and just BREATHE! With the perfect music and lights in your room or wherever you will practice it, it makes you look at better things in life , really makes you stop and let your mind just relax for a while and focus on your breathing. It has helped me not get as mad as I use to before and has helped me think a bit before I act:p


In my opinion yoga has helped my breathing. Because in yoga you have to breathe in certain ways like from your stomach or from your chest and it teaches you different ways of breathing. I have asthma so yoga is the perfect thing for me. It has helped me breathe better and take deeper breathes that I couldn’t take before. Now it could be because I am calmer, or maybe just because yoga has a lot to do with the way you breathe and teaching you breathing techniques .

The Beauty Book: Oily skin


How to care for oily skin?

Treating oily skin is a matter of trying reduce oil production and keeping the pores clean to prevent stretching and oxidation. To many people with oily skin this means a routine of harsh cleansers and scrubs but instead you can use light foaming cleansers which have enough power to break through the oil and put on the skin without irritation. Rubbing them onto the skin removes dead skin cells that block pores and lead to whiteheads. You may think you should use a toner, because some say toners close the pores but this is not true most toners actually irritate the skin,making it swell which makes the pores look smaller .

Cleansing facial for oily skin

1-Cleanse , Apply a foaming cleanser to your face then using a soft towel gently rub the face in circular motion. This will break down oil, while the movement will exfoliate any dead cells.

2-Steam your face. Boil some water and pour it into a large bowl, wait a little bit for it to cool but not to where there is no steam anymore, then lower your face over the bowl but not too close! Put a towel over your head and stay there for 10 mins

3-Apply a clay based face mask. This will deeply clean the skin, if the mask stings your face then its not right for you and its too harsh . Try a strawberry based mask instead I’ll teach you how to make it in a sec. If you have any blemishes apply a spot treatment , I use clearasils spot treatment.

Tips for oily skin:

  • Only cleanse twice a day
  • Make sure that all your products including your makeup is oil free
  • Cut down on fast food! Its not the grease that makes grease, but studies say that fast food has iodine that contribute to zits and what not
  • If you get painful zits a little lavender oil dabbed on the skin will help inflammation in seconds!

Strawberry face mask

Blend together all the following ingredients!

  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/2 cup strawberries

Leave the mask on for 10 mins, then rinse it off !

Good Luck 😉

The Beauty Book: Six deadly skin sins!


These are the worst factors that destroy your skin!

1-Sun: Did you know that if you protected your skin from the sun you wouldn’t get a wrinkle on your face until you were 60? I don’t know about you but I personally want to always protect myself from wrinkles ! Exposing your face to sunlight is the fastest way to age your skin! The good news is that you can prevent sun damage simply by wearing sunscreen whenever you go out. Day to day wear SPF15 but if you are going to the beach or sitting around sun for a while use SPF30 ! Try your best to stay out of the sun or at least between the peak hours of 11-3

2-Smoking: After sunlight smoking is the next most damaging thing to your skin! Nicotine in cigaretts constricts the blood vessels of the face making your skin look gray Also a chemical reaction occurs which creates a protein that causes the destruction of collagen and elastin. And the soloution is simple and obvious! QUIT!

3-Stress: Stress affects the skin in a number of ways. First it increases the levels of adrenal hormones which have been linked to the triggering of acne! In fact stress is being blamed for the increase in so called adult acne as well! Also it causes the blood flow to be directed away from the surface of the skin to your limbs and major organs! Plus you cannot repair these problems with skincare as effectively when you’re stressed! Studies show that stressed skin does not absorb products well. Knowing how to keep calm and not worry as much will help your skin! (And yourself) I personally recommend yoga since it calms you down and relieves stress! Or a massage is great as well 🙂

4-Lack of sleep: Not getting the right amount of sleep is a disaster for your skin! Personally I love to sleep, but at the same time I love to stay up at night ! And lately I have not been sleeping enough and I can say that my skin has started to look bad! It causes dark circles sallowness and puffiness under the eyes it can even cause spots and studies show that people pick more at there skin when they are tired! So get some sleeep !

5-Pollution: Pollution and harmful chemicals are another cause of free radicals in the skin and can make you age as well. Avoiding it is tricky, however you can fight internal damage by eating fresh fruits and veggies! Or eat organic foods!

6-Lack of exercise:I don’t really know why anyone would lack exercise! Personally I have fallen in love with it! Physical activity helps boost skin tone by increasing oxygen in your blood and reducing the amount of toxins that build up! Studies also show that people who exercise sleep faster and longer than those who don’t ! At least work out 3 times a week , 20 mins each day!