Top 10 quotes of the week


1-Just as much as we see in others we have in ourselves

2- I am indeed a king because I know how to rule myself

3-Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none

4- Confident people will listen to criticism but don’t let other people’s opinion define them

5-No one can make you fee inferior without your consent

6-Compete with yourself not with others

7-Somebody is always doing what somebody else said couldn’t be done

8-It takes courage to change But change we must for a around us changes

9-Some of us are born confident. But most of us learn how to be through rising to the challenges of life

10-If I have lost confidence in myself I have the universe against me

Top ten quotes of the week


1-The best way to predict your future is to create it

2-Even a clock that has stopped is right twice a day

3-Before you cut make sure you measure

4-Tell me, and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll try to remember, share with me and I’ll learn

5-In every fear, there is a desire

6-Dig the well before you become thirsty

7-To know the road ahead, ask those coming back

8-We are more often afraid of what we can do than what we can’t

9-People only see what they are prepared to see

10-Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.

50 Simple things to be happy about #1


Everyone has there own little things in life that make them happy, we all have different and unique things that excite us about life. Even though huge and epic things that happen in life are great for the few minutes or moments they last, but all in all the most amazing things are the small and simple things in life. I thought I’d make a list every once in a while to remind people of the lovely things there are in life


2-the beauty of nature

3-A comfy bed

4-soft pjamas

5-The feeling of the wind on your face

6-Disney movies

7-Victoria’s secret

8-The ability to see

9-The ability to hear

10-Pens and pencils that help you put your thoughts down

11-Laughter, the laughter of children and of elders

12-The sound of water

13-The feeling of an animal’s fur


15-Shoes so we don’t hurt our feet

16- Zoos

17-The sun


19-Nail polish



22-Mothers and fathers

23-Cold nights

24-Breakfest in bed

25-Jumping on your bed


27-Barbuqe sauce



30-Windows to look out and see nature

31- Mint chocolate chip icecream

32- A choco chip pancake

33- Being able to learn from our mistakes

34-Smiles given to or from strangers

35- Cotton candy

36- Roller coasters

37- Water roller coasters

38-Face creams that soothe your skin

39-Fried rice

40-Pf changs

41- Chinese culture

42- Japanese Culture

43- Hot water bottles

44- Nice morning stretches

45- Stuffed animals

46- The smell of a new car

47- Bubbles

48- Hot baths

49-Dunkin Donuts

50- Love towards one another

The happiness project


Have you ever just felt like you needed to find yourself? Like something was just missing from your life, although you have everything anyone could possibly dream of. Well lately I have started to feel as if I lack something, and just my luck I came across this book called The happiness project by Gretchen Rubin . I have just started to read it and it is actually a good book so far. It is inspiring and it kinda gives you a plan of how to be happier in your life. Now you could read 100 books about happiness and it would never change you, unless you really wanted to be happy and were determined. And in my case I was determined. Anyways so this book talks about how this woman realized that life was too short and that it was time for her to be happy and to find her true happiness. There are 12 different chapters in this book, each month you are supposed to work on one of these things that will make you happy. The chapters are : January:boost energy, February:Remember love, March:Aim higher, April:Lighten up, May:Be serious about play, June:Make time for friends, July:Buy some happiness, August:Contemplate the heavens,September:Pursue a passion,October:Pay attention,November:Keep a contented heart, December:Boot camp Perfect. You can start at anytime you want and start with January even if it isnt Jan, right now that’s where I am I’m boosting my energy. Doing, yoga,pilates and exercise, not being so lazy and staying at home all the time trying to change my lazy ways and give myself some life. So far it is working well I’ll keep you updated though, and I recommend this book for anyone who really wants to be happy!:)