My “boost your energy” plan for each day


Since I am working on the happiness project’s boost your energy, I have to have an exercise plan for each day. I thought I’d share with you my exercise plan since there are some amazing people on the internet who know so much about exercise some who are following me and I’m sure they would give me their opinion about my plan and please feel free to. Anyways, since I have asthma I try to be a little bit easier on myself but not too much I like to push myself when it comes to my health and well being. So my plan is

Saturday: Pilates: Which as I said before was good for both my mind and body, which is kind of like a more intense yoga that doesn’t concentrate that much on the “soul” part. But I need this to be more flexible and stronger as well

Sunday:Yoga: One of my favorite things in the world! Since I have a very bad temper and such yoga helps me to calm down a lot so I need to get plenty of it as well!

Monday:Dance:Dance is one of the funnest things to do and I find it so exciting to do ! Especially zumba because it’s like dance and a workout at the same time . But there are so many different types of dancing, so I have to try different ones every week.

Tuesday: VS workout: Since I am such a big fan of victoria’s secret I was bound to try their workout, and I must say I did love it , it is one of the very few workouts where I actually can feel my muscles move and stretch. I definitely recommend them for anyone who really wants an intense workout  .

Wednesday: Reshape body/Gym: A few months ago I found this book called Reshape your body it’s a book which basically helps you to fix certain areas in your body and to be able to focus on a few certain muscles, lately I’ve been reading it and working on it , and it also is an intense workout which is also kind of fun to do . Also I go to the gym whenever I get the chance (flex gym) where they have some great equipment and some really fun classes like aerobics ,zumba ,pilates,yoga and a lot of other classes.

Thursday: Meditation . While meditation is not very stressful and stereotyped as being very easy, it actually is hard. Since you have to be able to let like everything your thinking about out of your brain and just focus on a candle for example or music or something in front of you. While meditation might not be classified as exercise , I still believe that it cures my body and in some way boosts my energy

Friday: OFF My fridays are always busy since its my family’s gathering day. And I like to be able to enjoy my exercise rather than to just do it so I can stay on my routine. So I like to give myself a day off.

Why do yoga?


Yoga has many benefits , I found that it has made me more relaxed I am not an expert and I have not been doing it for long at all. But in the past few months I have started doing it and it has helped me in many ways!


I was never really the type of person that could balance myself really that well, my balance was kinda horrible, but after I started doing yoga my balance has improved a lot I can stand on one feet a lot longer than I could before.


Routine in yoga has helped me build strength , because you have to shift your body weight sometimes on a certain place it makes you build muscles (but not the manly muscles) and gives you a lot of strength as well.


Yoga is a very graceful exercise to do and I love watching graceful acts they are so beautiful and mesmerizing. The way you shift from one pose to the next in a graceful way makes you seem so calm and relaxing it is very lovely to watch and do.


Without a doubt yoga improves muscle flexibility because you have to move in such weird ways , the more you practice it the more flexible you will become.

5-Relaxition :

Yoga helps your body in a great way, but its nothing compared to the way it helps your soul. It helps you to calm down for a while and just stop your life and just BREATHE! With the perfect music and lights in your room or wherever you will practice it, it makes you look at better things in life , really makes you stop and let your mind just relax for a while and focus on your breathing. It has helped me not get as mad as I use to before and has helped me think a bit before I act:p


In my opinion yoga has helped my breathing. Because in yoga you have to breathe in certain ways like from your stomach or from your chest and it teaches you different ways of breathing. I have asthma so yoga is the perfect thing for me. It has helped me breathe better and take deeper breathes that I couldn’t take before. Now it could be because I am calmer, or maybe just because yoga has a lot to do with the way you breathe and teaching you breathing techniques .

The difference between pilates and yoga


Yoga or pilates? Sometimes people tend to think that they are the exact same thing, but the thing is is that they are similar in a few ways, but also they are somewhat different . They are both for physical toning, and spiritual relaxation. Personally I love both of them equally, because i find these relaxing exercises to be the best since they don’t make you as tired yet they still tone you and keep you relaxed.  Neither of them are cardiovascular workouts, yet they still do sculpt your body and keep you in shape .But the difference is that in yoga it is more spiritual and it is not just physical activity,it also comes with diet, meditation, breathing techniques, and religious edict while Pilates is simply a form of exercise and body sculpting technique. Also , yoga was designed to make you get in touch with your spiritual side and to really just focus and forget about everything, while pilates was made to strengthen and improve your posture . For me I like to do both, both of them relax me and strengthen my body.If you want to go for a spiritual relaxing exercise then I recommend you do yoga, if you want to tone up more and work on what most dancers and athletes work on than I suggest you do the pilates. I started at home with a pilates book and CD , it’s called : everyday pilates by Alycea Ungaro. And for yoga I started with a CD Michelle LeMay’s Yoga series. Now I attend classes at Flex gym, it’s always important to start out on your own I think it gives you more time to get use to it.