Healthy Kitty: Cat Flu


Oh isnt it just heartbreaking to see your cat going through a flu, so tiny so innocent and he’s dealing with the sniffles. Well first off cat flu is usually caused by viruses that attack the respiratory system. It may be followed by infection of the lungs and pneumonia. The viruses are very contagious (cat to cat) by sneezing, coughing and are the main reason with problems in the respiratory system. Therefore it is highly recommended that you give your cat vaccinations preventing it from getting the flu. In kitten they can easily die from it or end up permanently damaged.


  • Cat flu is a general term used to describe feline upper respiratory infections. The two most significent viruses in cases of cat flu are  FVR (feline viral rhinotracheitis) FCV (Feline calici virus) Both which are contagious
  • Other causes could be from female herpes


  • Sneezing and runny eyes
  • Nasal discharge
  • Increase in temperature
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Breathing may become diffucult

Your vet can give you either vaccinations or antibiotics to reduce chances of secondary bacterial infection

Home Treatments

A little almond oil on a cotton ball two or three times a day can relieve discomfort in the nasal area

Calendula tincture two drops in 25 mL of olive oil

Hope your kitties feel better 🙂