Beautiful body: Using Water


The healing power of water has been used in beauty therapy since forever. This is how to use water/bath/shower to relax,soothe,smooth,or energize  your body

Relaxing (Check out my blog on how to have the perfect bath for relaxing)

The ultimate relaxing bath is not too hot yet not too cold , it is proven to relax the muscles in your body once you lay in it. And it sitmulates the production of calming chemicals in the brain .

Before you get in exfoliate with a loofah this will help your body absorb more, turn down the lights pop some candles round the bath if you like or just flower petals! Stay in for 20 to 30 mins


Back and shoulder aches seem to be a very common problem but you can help this with your bath. Epsom or sea salts contain ingredients that when absorbed by the body have anti inflammatory action. Which will help the healing process.

Run the water and add some salts or mineral based bath salts. Lie under the water and try some hydrotherapy. Turn the shower head to full blast and put the water directly onto your back and shoulders, which will give you an excellent water massage


Baths can help create super smooth skin if you know how !

Start with damp skin and apply an exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells (Try Champneys spa indulgence Glow in oriental opulence) Run a bath thats warm enough to sit in but not too hot cuz hot water dehydrates the skin.Add a pinch of milk or cream which will hydrate the skin. Relax for 20 mins and gently massage the water onto your skin. Get out lightly pat yourself dry . Before your all the way dry add some rich body lotion! (Try Victoria’s Secret’s “Sexy little things Noir”)


Most of us use baths to relax and to feel calm but it doesn’t have to be that way you can also use it to energize yourself by exposing your body to different temperatures)

Run a warm bath and put in some energizing bath foams or oil (Or something with orange grapefruit or lemon)Before you get in brush your body to start your circulation. Get in the bath and relax for five to ten mins with your feet at the end near the tap. Now that you have warm water start to turn it to cold water over your feet, and i little to your legs, get out once the water is cold. Apply body lotion and face the day

Tips for bathing

  • Enhance your bath with oils, six drops is enough to make a difference. Try lemon or grapefruit to energize rosemary or patchouli to soothe your mind and lavender or camomile to send you to sleep
  • For best results baths should be either long or short. Short 5-10 mins and long 10-20 staying in too long can make you lose water from your skin while you bathe

My “boost your energy” plan for each day


Since I am working on the happiness project’s boost your energy, I have to have an exercise plan for each day. I thought I’d share with you my exercise plan since there are some amazing people on the internet who know so much about exercise some who are following me and I’m sure they would give me their opinion about my plan and please feel free to. Anyways, since I have asthma I try to be a little bit easier on myself but not too much I like to push myself when it comes to my health and well being. So my plan is

Saturday: Pilates: Which as I said before was good for both my mind and body, which is kind of like a more intense yoga that doesn’t concentrate that much on the “soul” part. But I need this to be more flexible and stronger as well

Sunday:Yoga: One of my favorite things in the world! Since I have a very bad temper and such yoga helps me to calm down a lot so I need to get plenty of it as well!

Monday:Dance:Dance is one of the funnest things to do and I find it so exciting to do ! Especially zumba because it’s like dance and a workout at the same time . But there are so many different types of dancing, so I have to try different ones every week.

Tuesday: VS workout: Since I am such a big fan of victoria’s secret I was bound to try their workout, and I must say I did love it , it is one of the very few workouts where I actually can feel my muscles move and stretch. I definitely recommend them for anyone who really wants an intense workout  .

Wednesday: Reshape body/Gym: A few months ago I found this book called Reshape your body it’s a book which basically helps you to fix certain areas in your body and to be able to focus on a few certain muscles, lately I’ve been reading it and working on it , and it also is an intense workout which is also kind of fun to do . Also I go to the gym whenever I get the chance (flex gym) where they have some great equipment and some really fun classes like aerobics ,zumba ,pilates,yoga and a lot of other classes.

Thursday: Meditation . While meditation is not very stressful and stereotyped as being very easy, it actually is hard. Since you have to be able to let like everything your thinking about out of your brain and just focus on a candle for example or music or something in front of you. While meditation might not be classified as exercise , I still believe that it cures my body and in some way boosts my energy

Friday: OFF My fridays are always busy since its my family’s gathering day. And I like to be able to enjoy my exercise rather than to just do it so I can stay on my routine. So I like to give myself a day off.