The Beauty Book: Oily skin


How to care for oily skin?

Treating oily skin is a matter of trying reduce oil production and keeping the pores clean to prevent stretching and oxidation. To many people with oily skin this means a routine of harsh cleansers and scrubs but instead you can use light foaming cleansers which have enough power to break through the oil and put on the skin without irritation. Rubbing them onto the skin removes dead skin cells that block pores and lead to whiteheads. You may think you should use a toner, because some say toners close the pores but this is not true most toners actually irritate the skin,making it swell which makes the pores look smaller .

Cleansing facial for oily skin

1-Cleanse , Apply a foaming cleanser to your face then using a soft towel gently rub the face in circular motion. This will break down oil, while the movement will exfoliate any dead cells.

2-Steam your face. Boil some water and pour it into a large bowl, wait a little bit for it to cool but not to where there is no steam anymore, then lower your face over the bowl but not too close! Put a towel over your head and stay there for 10 mins

3-Apply a clay based face mask. This will deeply clean the skin, if the mask stings your face then its not right for you and its too harsh . Try a strawberry based mask instead I’ll teach you how to make it in a sec. If you have any blemishes apply a spot treatment , I use clearasils spot treatment.

Tips for oily skin:

  • Only cleanse twice a day
  • Make sure that all your products including your makeup is oil free
  • Cut down on fast food! Its not the grease that makes grease, but studies say that fast food has iodine that contribute to zits and what not
  • If you get painful zits a little lavender oil dabbed on the skin will help inflammation in seconds!

Strawberry face mask

Blend together all the following ingredients!

  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/2 cup strawberries

Leave the mask on for 10 mins, then rinse it off !

Good Luck 😉

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