The Beauty Book: Six deadly skin sins!


These are the worst factors that destroy your skin!

1-Sun: Did you know that if you protected your skin from the sun you wouldn’t get a wrinkle on your face until you were 60? I don’t know about you but I personally want to always protect myself from wrinkles ! Exposing your face to sunlight is the fastest way to age your skin! The good news is that you can prevent sun damage simply by wearing sunscreen whenever you go out. Day to day wear SPF15 but if you are going to the beach or sitting around sun for a while use SPF30 ! Try your best to stay out of the sun or at least between the peak hours of 11-3

2-Smoking: After sunlight smoking is the next most damaging thing to your skin! Nicotine in cigaretts constricts the blood vessels of the face making your skin look gray Also a chemical reaction occurs which creates a protein that causes the destruction of collagen and elastin. And the soloution is simple and obvious! QUIT!

3-Stress: Stress affects the skin in a number of ways. First it increases the levels of adrenal hormones which have been linked to the triggering of acne! In fact stress is being blamed for the increase in so called adult acne as well! Also it causes the blood flow to be directed away from the surface of the skin to your limbs and major organs! Plus you cannot repair these problems with skincare as effectively when you’re stressed! Studies show that stressed skin does not absorb products well. Knowing how to keep calm and not worry as much will help your skin! (And yourself) I personally recommend yoga since it calms you down and relieves stress! Or a massage is great as well 🙂

4-Lack of sleep: Not getting the right amount of sleep is a disaster for your skin! Personally I love to sleep, but at the same time I love to stay up at night ! And lately I have not been sleeping enough and I can say that my skin has started to look bad! It causes dark circles sallowness and puffiness under the eyes it can even cause spots and studies show that people pick more at there skin when they are tired! So get some sleeep !

5-Pollution: Pollution and harmful chemicals are another cause of free radicals in the skin and can make you age as well. Avoiding it is tricky, however you can fight internal damage by eating fresh fruits and veggies! Or eat organic foods!

6-Lack of exercise:I don’t really know why anyone would lack exercise! Personally I have fallen in love with it! Physical activity helps boost skin tone by increasing oxygen in your blood and reducing the amount of toxins that build up! Studies also show that people who exercise sleep faster and longer than those who don’t ! At least work out 3 times a week , 20 mins each day!


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