If tomorrow never comes…


Have you ever sat around and thought about what would happen to the ones you love if you werent around anymore? Would they know how much you loved them? Or that you admire them? Or that you’re sorry for something you may have never had the nerve to say you were sorry about before? Well this is something I always think about, almost everyday I go through this in my mind, wondering worrying if my mother would know that I loved her more than anything in this world, or if my dad would know that I was sorry for the things I put him through or if my brother would know that I admired him. I always worry about loosing the people I love , so I have made it a habit to enjoy every single second I had with them, and made sure that they knew how much I enjoyed it as well. I try and tell them whenever I get the chance that I love them , that life would never be the same without them. And when I hurt anyone that I love I try my best to push my pride aside and apologize to them just incase it might be the last time I ever see them. Death is a scary thing that pops out of no where it has mercy on no one and waits for no one. And its not just the way you treat others, its also the way you’ve lived your life. One day you’ll wake up and realize that you have wasted most of your life worrying about things that don’t matter or things that never even happened. Instead of worrying you should enjoy every single moment every single thing, from the birds that you hear every morning or the laughter of children , to the sight of nature and the beautiful things around you. It’s the little things that you’ll miss the most so make the best of what you have . Stop worrying about people or things that dont matter at all. Life is never as bad as it seems. Go do something that will make another soul happy , (animal or human) trust me there is no better feeling than making other people smile , and you will always be remembered so beautifully if you do . So go tell the people that you love how you feel about them, apologize to someone you may have hurt, and forgive those who have hurt you, for we are all God’s creations and we are all here for a reason and will all leave this planet one day…

This was inspired by the song , If tomorrow never comes by Ronan Keating , go listen to it it’s one of my favorites but I like it better when Kevin Skinners sings it .

Kevin skinners performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1_I2_SItqc

Ronan Keating : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4kzGhDEURA

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